Date: January 25, 2024 12:38 pm Title: Four As An Accident
loved it
Date: February 16, 2014 11:13 pm Title: Four As An Accident

Date: July 04, 2009 10:39 am Title: Four As An Accident
Great! Thanks for sharing your writing with us =) It's awesome, with pineapple on top.
Date: November 16, 2008 7:46 pm Title: Two to Get Away
He wakes up and immediately asks for something having to do with pineapple. Very nice, both of them. Very true-to-character, and vivid writing. Bravo.
Date: March 17, 2008 5:50 am Title: Two to Get Away
Cuuuute!!! Again great chapter
Date: March 17, 2008 3:26 am Title: One for Fright
awww that was so cute. I love Lassiter and Shawn...the sensative side to Lassieface! -smiles- Excellently written as always

Date: September 16, 2007 4:12 pm Title: Four As An Accident
Loved this! The OMC POV was interesting. And I love the side of smushy!Shawn we got to see!
It very much rocked!
Author's Response:
Shawn needed some mush! Ending it was so hard though! I was like, "I like Jake and Shawn and Drake and this story. . . "
Keep your eyes peeled for a follow up one shot. Haven't decided what will happen in it, but just keep your eyes open for it.

Date: September 15, 2007 7:30 pm Title: Four As An Accident
I certainly did enjoy this set of stories! Keep up the great work!
* adds to favs *
Author's Response: Glad you enjoyed these stories! I actually contemplated doing one more story for this set, but I couldn't shoot Shawn five times. How cruel would that be?

Date: September 15, 2007 12:00 am Title: Four As An Accident
Hands down, this one was the best! And of course, for me, the best part was that regardless of how angsty all the chapters are, they all end with pineapple. :D I really liked this one being from the viewpoint of the 'shooter'.
Please keep up the great work and post more stories soon!
Author's Response:
It almost wasn't from the shooter's viewpoint, but when I sat down to write it I thought, "Everyone expects either Juliet or the Chief. . . or something." I just kept thinking to myself, "Who would be a better candidate?" I landed on the shooter. It was fun to do it from the shooter's stand point as well because he needed a back story. What caused him to be at the crime scene? What were his motivations for the crime? What are the consequences for him for shooting the resident psychic?
Of course, I ended up liking Jake, so he had to come to a decent end. Damn those blasted evil dudes who manage to worm their way into your heart!

Date: September 14, 2007 11:17 pm Title: Two to Get Away
Great chapter! I love Henry's reaction -- feeling guilty.
I thought that these shootings that Shawn takes were all going to be related -- I mean, not the case, but like this would be the second time in a week -- or something like that -- that Shawn took a shot.
I still love it though! ^^
Author's Response: Damn! I may be mean, but not that mean! Poor Shawn! "Yes, as the author of this fic, I am now going to, for the fourth time in this fic, shoot you again. You have just finished recovering from the third time, which was horrifically bad for you, but here! Take four bullets! See if you survive that!" Yeah. Can't do it. I like Shawn too much.