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The lot of them headed out to the parking spots. Gus and Shawn stopped in front of the Impala.

            "Are we riding with you guys, or Lassie, or what?" Shawn asked.

            Dean looked at Cas, "Cas, are you riding or flying?"

            "I believe I'll ride with the non-psychic assistant," Cas said, pointing to Gus.

            Gus stood speechless for a moment as he watched Castiel get into the passenger seat of the Blueberry.  Shawn gaped at the angel's audacity but thought better of saying anything.  He didn't feel like being destroyed today, anyway.      

            Knowing that he would be crunched up in that backseat, Shawn gave a pleading look to Dean.  Without a word, the elder Winchester nodded and opened up the driver side door.  The Impala's door squeaked in protest.

            "Come on, Shawn. We can catch up on the way," Dean said with a smile.

            "Sounds like a plan," Shawn said as he climbed in behind the driver's seat. 

            Sam opened the passenger door and fit his tall frame into the Impala.  Shawn wondered why the younger brother was so quiet.  In fact, he was brimming with questions about what the heck was going on. 

            ‘Lassie is Cain; Dean has some weird mark on his arm that looks like a backwards F that he called the Mark of Cain.  There are angels and one is a friend of the Winchesters.  Yeah, this day is just beyond normal.  Well into paranormal.' Shawn thought as the black Chevy began its drive to downtown Santa Barbara, following Lassiter's Ford Fusion.

            "Shawn, what's with the psychic detective thing?" Sam asked, breaking the silence.

            "Kind of a last ditch idea.  It was either psychic or jail time from our friend Lassie, or Cain.  What about your psychic powers, Sam?  How's that going?"

            "They're gone.  It's a long story of how they vanished, but they're gone," Sam replied. 

            Both Shawn and Dean noticed a touch of bitterness in Sam's voice.  Dean spoke before Shawn could ask any questions.

            "I thought you were relieved they were gone.  No more freaky psychic thing," he said as he turned a corner.

            Sam sighed and looked out the window, "I am, it's just," he started.

            "Just what?  Those powers were beyond evil, Sammy.  I mean, they came from demon blood," Dean announced.

            Shawn could sense the tension that was building in the car, regretting asking his query.  A fight was brewing between the brothers, and Shawn Spencer was about to be in the middle of it.

            Gus, meanwhile, dared glance over at Castiel, who was looking out the window at the passing scenery.  The Blueberry was traveling behind the Impala.

            "It's okay to ask questions, Burton," Cas said, turning to look at the pharmaceutical rep.

            "Well, first off, I like to be called Gus.  Secondly, are you really a true angel?  I've always read angels are invisible."

            "This is a vessel.  His name is Jimmy Novak.  He's a devout man and accepted me.  An angel cannot possess someone without permission.  Unlike demons, who can take over anyone at any time," Cas said, running his hand over the dashboard, "You keep this car quite clean, Gus."

            "Its...a company car.  I work for a pharmaceutical company," Gus answered slowly. 

            Cas nodded, "Yes, I know.  You don't have to be afraid of me, Gus.  I can tell you're a devout man with a very good heart."

            Gus smiled a small grin and turned to Cas, "Say, do you like pineapple?"

            Lassiter drove his car with determination.  Being he was alone, he had time to think. 

            What was going to happen?  Now that Spencer and Guster knew who he *really* was, would it ever be the same?  Would he have to up and leave again to escape his past?  Could he continue to be a cop? 

            ‘This had better be an open and shut case.  Dean may not make it through if the blade is that close.  It'll call to him, and me.  Hopefully he's right, and it's warded from demons,' he thought as he looked in the rearview mirror.  Black eyes stared back, signaling he was upset.

            ‘Calm down, Cain.  Just relax and everything will be fine,' he told himself.  When he looked in the mirror again, his eyes were back to the ice blue everyone knew.

            Before long, the three cars pulled up to the apartment complex.  Six different men stepped out of the three very different cars.  A black Ford Fusion revealing a detective/demon with the Mark; a blue Echo with a pharmaceutical rep and an angel wearing a trench-coat, and a black 1967 Chevy Impala presenting a man with the Mark of Cain and anger issues, a former demon blood drinking, former psychic and a fake psychic/real detective.

            While the detective, angel and pharmaceutical rep began to walk to the door, the former psychic, the fake psychic and the anger laden bearer of the Mark of Cain went to the trunk of the Impala. 

            Shawn stood back for a moment as the brothers grabbed a few ‘essentials' like holy water and salt.  Dean stopped for a second, giving Sam a sideways glance.  For the last mile or so, the boys hadn't spoken, ending their conversation in the car at high volume.  Shawn knew that, because of him, they weren't punching each other's lights out; they were giving each other the silent treatment.

            "Um, guys?  I'm kind of at a loss, here.  It's my fault.  I shouldn't have asked any questions.  I know how private your lives are," Shawn apologized.

            Sam looked at Shawn with a softness in his eyes, "No, it's not your fault, Shawn."

            Dean raised an eyebrow, "Yeah.  This fight has been brewing for years, apparently."

            Suddenly, a silver flask was handed to Shawn by Sam, "Here, just in case we run into any demon trouble."

            Shawn looked at the flask, noticing the cross etched into the surface.  It was really ornate and, if he so inclined to think it, the thing was pretty. 

            "Holy water?  Uh, you guys know I can shoot, right?" Shawn asked.

            "We don't know what we're dealing with, so no shooting except by us if it's necessary," Dean said, pointing to his trusty gun. 

            Shawn sighed, "Fine."

            Sam looked at Dean, "Let's just get this over with."

            Dean rolled his eyes, "Whatever."

            Shawn watched the brothers walk to the apartment building, where Gus, Cas and Lassie were waiting impatiently.  He shook his head, knowing that they were all in for a very long day if the Winchesters couldn't stop fighting for two minutes. 

            Sam glanced at his brother, fuming but also concerned.  Why didn't Dean get it?  Yes, the powers he had from Azazel were evil, and he learned that even more when Ruby came into his life the second time, but still, he had those powers for a reason, didn't he?

            He knew Dean would argue that he had them for Azazel's evil army.  But he would argue back that he used those powers to exorcise demons and still saved a lot of people. 

            They all got to the apartment door, where Shawn took the initiative and knocked.  He stepped back, gripping the flask tightly in case there was trouble.  All the while, he was focused on the brothers and their body language.  They were seriously angry with each other, but were determined to get their job done. 

            The door opened slowly to reveal a young woman with long, brown hair.  She looked at the six men standing in the hallway with blue/green eyes that filled with worry.

            "May I...help you?" she asked cautiously.

            Lassiter stepped forward, "I'm Detective Carlton Lassiter with the Santa Barbara Police Department."

            "I'm Agent Lucas and this is Agent Spielberg from the FBI.  We would like to ask you a few questions about your disappearance." Sam said as he and Dean flashed their badges.

            The woman raised an eyebrow, "Wait, I'm fine.  Why would you want to ask me anything?"

            "May we please come in?" Gus asked politely.

            She thought about it for a moment.  Sighing in defeat, she opened the door fully and gestured for them to enter her apartment.  The six men did so while thanking her in the process.

            Cas hadn't seen the girl until that moment, "She's still possessed," he announced, his Angel Blade appearing in his right hand.

            The girl's eyes suddenly turned black, "Castiel, how interesting.  I thought you were dead.  Well, now I'll have the pleasure of killing all of you!"

            Suddenly all six of them were flung around the room by a wave of her hand.  Gus flew back toward the door and crashed against the mirror that resided on the wall next to the door.  The shattered glass stabbed Gus in the spine, severing his spinal cord and cutting off his brain from his body.

            Lassie was flung sideways, landing on the top of the couch.  He groaned, knowing there were at least a few broken ribs after landing on the hardest part of the furniture.  He watched as Guster flew through the air, hit the mirror and then was still on the floor.

            Shawn would've shouted in glee because he was flying, but seeing as it was due to a demon, he screamed in fear.  His back hit the wall farthest from the door.  The air whooshed out of him as he landed hard on the floor.  The flask of holy water flew out of his hand and fell near the demon.

            Sam fell backwards, landing only a few feet from Gus.  He watched Dean fly through the air; hitting his head against the ceiling before coming down to the ground and lying still.  Dean, Sam surmised, was out cold.

            The younger Winchester looked around, seeing the rest of them laying in awkward positions, save for Lassiter/Cain, who was slowly getting up.  Dean stayed still, but his chest was moving; Shawn looked like he was out cold, too.  Cas was still standing, facing the woman with the demon eyes, and Gus...

            "Gus?  Gus, wake up," Sam said, crawling over to the man in the khakis. 

            Sam placed his fingers against Gus' neck, checking for a pulse.  He waited a minute before realizing that there was no heartbeat.  Sam turned Gus over to find a large shard of the mirror sticking out of Gus' spine.

            ‘He's dead.  That demon is going to pay for killing an innocent man,' Sam thought as he struggled to his feet.  When he made it to standing, he watched as Cas tried to stab the woman with his angel blade. 

            Cas missed and was thrown across the room into Lassiter, who was in turn knocked back over the couch. 

            Sam raised his right hand up and began to concentrate.  He made a quick gesture and the demon woman flew against the opposite wall from Cas and Lassiter.  He walked over to her.

            "Well, I see Sam Winchester is still special.  How interesting.  I'm sure Lucifer would love that," the demon said snidely. 

            Sam smirked, "You can tell him when you return to Hell.  First, who's responsible for the murder of Melissa Anderson?"

            The demon's eyes blinked, "Who?"

            Sam focused, torturing the demon.  The evil thing screamed in pain until Sam let go and asked again.

            "I don't know!  I swear!" the demon cried out. 

            Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Shawn and Dean both beginning to stir.  Not wanting his brother to find out about his returning powers, he focused.

            "Go back to Hell and tell them I'm back," he said. 

Chapter End Notes:
Yay, a note!  LOL!  Yes, I added two chapters tonight, so I hope all of you enjoy this!  Please review, so I know that the 97 I see so far aren't just lookie loos!

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