Shawn's controlling father, a retired cop, loves to fish
Other Results: 287 Challenges, 68 Series
Summary: Stranger than Fantasy is back! As part of Nanowrimo I've returned to the Kingdom of Sanbar to follow the exploits of Shawn Spencer, fake Court Wizard. Shawn and his friends are on the trail of a dark and mysterious killer. The prime suspect is someone that no one would expect (or believe!). When the hunted becomes the hunter, will Shawn's friends be able to save him in time or will he become the next victim?
Categories: Alternate Universe
Characters: Gus, Henry, Juliet, Karen, Lassiter, Maddie Spencer, Shawn
Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Horror, Romance, Supernatural
Warnings: None
Series: Stranger than Fantasy
Chapters: 6 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 13442 Read Count: 12604
[Report This] Published: November 03, 2016 Updated: July 05, 2018
Summary: First ever April to June Veterans Day event! A collection of gifts for our wonderful, hardworking friend Dragonnan~ ^^ Thank you for everything!
Categories: Season
Characters: Gus, Henry, Juliet, Lassiter, Other, Shawn
Genres: General
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 27778 Read Count: 7471
[Report This] Published: July 01, 2018 Updated: July 02, 2018

Shawn Spencer, son of the renowned Imperial Legionnaire Henry Spencer, has travelled all over Tamriel and seen things that others could only dream of. As a talented mage in his own right, Shawn finally returned to his home in Cyrodiil... And almost landed in the Imperial Dungeon. He escaped arrest by claiming to be a member of the mysterious Psijic Order---and now he uses his talent for magicka and his inborn psychic abilities to assist the members of the Imperial Guard.

Crossover with The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Categories: Alternate Universe, Crossover
Characters: Buzz, Gus, Henry, Juliet, Karen, Lassiter, OFC, Other, Shawn
Genres: Action/Adventure, General, Supernatural
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 11217 Read Count: 7299
[Report This] Published: June 10, 2018 Updated: June 25, 2018
Summary: Shawn has had enough of his friend.

Every time he has a fun idea, Gus immediately shuts it down, too afraid of getting hurt or in trouble.

That is, until one day when Gus decides to prove him wrong.

But who knew that trying to prove a point would land him in the hospital?

My submission for 2018 Best Buds Ficathon!

Categories: Pre-season
Characters: Gus, Henry, Shawn, Winnie Guster
Genres: Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2703 Read Count: 1332
[Report This] Published: June 15, 2018 Updated: June 15, 2018
Eyes by insert56 Rated: eT starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 17]
Summary: Shawn relies on friends, family, and sarcasm after an accident leaves him blind. Only time will tell whether it is temporary or not.
Categories: Season
Characters: Buzz, Gus, Henry, Juliet, Karen, Lassiter, Shawn
Genres: Angst, General, Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 7 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 7807 Read Count: 22883
[Report This] Published: November 25, 2014 Updated: May 27, 2018
Summary: Commentary fic for my story, Six Feet Under the Sea of Bullets, written in 2017.

Categories: Writer's Commentary
Characters: Gus, Henry, Lassiter, Other, Shawn
Genres: Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 3180 Read Count: 1577
[Report This] Published: May 25, 2018 Updated: May 25, 2018
Summary: Episode tag AU/ crackfic to 6x13 “Let’s Doo-Wop It Again”

What if Shawn had received a different diagnosis after his incident at the community event?

Total AU/ crackfic and I’m proud XD

Categories: Season, Alternate Universe
Characters: Gus, Henry, Juliet, Shawn
Genres: Crack!, Humor, Missing Scene
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1027 Read Count: 1674
[Report This] Published: May 24, 2018 Updated: May 24, 2018
School Codes by insert56 Rated: E starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 2]

For any cop, the last thing you ever want to hear over a police radio is a 147 at your son’s school. For Henry however, it just became reality.

The door slowly opened to reveal a dark classroom with students huddled in the corner.

"Shawn?" he called out.

"He's... he's not here."


Categories: Pre-season
Characters: Henry, Shawn
Genres: General, Hurt/Comfort, Suspense
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1123 Read Count: 1349
[Report This] Published: May 04, 2018 Updated: May 04, 2018

How could a day go from being perfect to horrific so quickly? One moment Shawn had everything going for him, Jules and their new daughter. The next it was all gone.

Stop, stop, stop, he begged the truck.

But it didn't.

Categories: Post-season
Characters: Gus, Henry, Juliet, Shawn
Genres: Angst, Horror, Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: Character Death, Tear Jerker
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 2043 Read Count: 11022
[Report This] Published: April 18, 2018 Updated: April 23, 2018

This story will be a series of (relatively short) one-shots of episode tags/missing scenes of the tales on the SBPD. They will be mainly Lassiter- and Juliet-centric but may occasionally feature Chief Vick or Buzz or possibly Henry in their own respective one-shots, or Lassiter or Juliet alone.

Each tag/chapter will most likely be its own standalone story.

Tags will occur in no particular order, updated when a new idea strikes. Spoilers for all seasons.

Tag Four is for "Lassie Did A Bad Bad Thing" and is angsty Lassiter-centric.

Categories: Season, Short
Characters: Buzz, Henry, Juliet, Karen, Lassiter
Genres: Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Missing Scene
Warnings: Major Spoilers
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 6522 Read Count: 12654
[Report This] Published: May 05, 2012 Updated: April 13, 2018