Genres: Suspense
Other Results: 43 Series

A response to the 100 Themes Challenge. 100 words, 100 chapters, 100 different themes!

Each chapter is inspired by a different phrase or word, and are all individual little stories, involving different characters and scenarios.

[Current chapter: 83-Heal]

Categories: Pre-season, Season, Post-season, Alternate Universe, Short
Characters: Buzz, Gus, Henry, Juliet, Karen, Lassiter, Maddie Spencer, Shawn
Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Crack!, Drama, Fluff, General, Horror, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Missing Scene, Mystery, Romance, Supernatural, Suspense
Warnings: Character Death, Graphic Violence, Major Spoilers, Sensitive Material, Tear Jerker
Challenges: 100 Themes
Series: None
Chapters: 83 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 8300 Read Count: 161799
[Report This] Published: December 05, 2013 Updated: June 26, 2024
Summary: Shawn and Buzz have gone missing, and now it's up to Gus and Brannigan to find their partners before it's too late.
Categories: Post-season
Characters: Brannigan, Buzz, Gus, Lassiter, OMC, Shawn
Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Suspense
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 7376 Read Count: 1133
[Report This] Published: June 05, 2024 Updated: June 25, 2024

A technological wonder has revamped the cell phone industry and it seems everyone needs to have one of the new StarLite smart phones. However, when multiple pictures start appearing online with invisible people, Shawn and Carlton find out that being a vampire is about to become a lot harder.

When your life depends on secrecy, what do you do when your secret can be outed with a single click of a phone's camera?

4th in the Moonlighting series

Sequel to 1-No Such Thing As Psychics, 1.5- 12:04am Wake Up Call, 2- Out of the Past, and Into the Fire, and 3- Love Lasts Forever, but Sanity Has a Shelf Life

Categories: Season, Alternate Universe, Crossover
Characters: Gus, Henry, Juliet, Karen, Lassiter, Marlowe, OFC, Shawn
Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Supernatural, Suspense
Warnings: Graphic Violence, Sensitive Material
Challenges: Jeepers Creepers!
Series: Moonlighting
Chapters: 6 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 24597 Read Count: 15313
[Report This] Published: June 27, 2014 Updated: May 18, 2024
Summary: Shawn will never complain about being "barely poisoned" again after he's "fully poisoned" by a woman he's investigating - via her toxic lipstick and a non-consensual kiss. TW: non-con kiss
Categories: Season
Characters: Gus, Henry, Juliet, Lassiter, Shawn
Genres: Hurt/Comfort, Suspense
Warnings: Sensitive Material
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 3220 Read Count: 3292
[Report This] Published: September 21, 2021 Updated: September 21, 2021
Summary: A recent rash of break-ins has the SFPD stumped and even Shawn's having trouble finding clues. On top of that, anonymous gifts have started showing up on Juliet's desk and Gus is convinced Shawn is going to lose his girlfriend to the sender. Can Shawn prove to Gus -- and Jules -- there is nothing to worry about? And can he catch the burglars before someone gets hurt?

Categories: Post-season
Characters: Gus, Juliet, Shawn
Genres: Humor, Mystery, Romance, Suspense
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 5722 Read Count: 2018
[Report This] Published: March 07, 2019 Updated: March 07, 2019
Summary: Shawn's been missing. For six months. And now he's back, but something's not quite right... Can his friends solve the mystery before the bad guys return to finish the job? And, even more importantly, will the Shawn they all knew ever return?

Written for the 2018 Secret Santa Fic Exchange

Categories: Season
Characters: Buzz, Gus, Henry, Juliet, Lassiter, OMC, Shawn
Genres: Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Mystery, Suspense
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 7356 Read Count: 2903
[Report This] Published: December 30, 2018 Updated: December 30, 2018
Summary: Secret Santa Fic Exchange submissions for 2018.

Merry Christmas!!

Categories: Pre-season, Season, Post-season, Crossover, Short
Characters: Bill Guster, Buzz, Gus, Henry, Juliet, Karen, Lassiter, Maddie Spencer, Other, Shawn, Woody
Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Casefile, Drama, Fluff, General, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Mystery, Supernatural, Suspense
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 8 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 40600 Read Count: 13938
[Report This] Published: December 22, 2018 Updated: December 22, 2018
Summary: Lassiter and Henry always knew something was wrong with Shawn but they didn't know he could kill.

Slightly AU with some big secrets on Shawn's part. Takes place mid-season 4
Categories: Pre-season, Season, Alternate Universe
Characters: Buzz, Gus, Juliet, Karen, Lassiter, Other, Shawn, Woody
Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, General, Hurt/Comfort, Suspense
Warnings: Graphic Violence, Major Spoilers
Challenges: WTF????
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 234 Read Count: 2858
[Report This] Published: November 01, 2018 Updated: November 01, 2018
Summary: Shawn and Gus are trick-or-treating with Henry when a panicked mom asks for help to find her vanished daughter. Henry instructs the boys to stay put. Shawn, being mischievous, goes to the creepy house next door.

Categories: Pre-season
Characters: Gus, Henry, Shawn
Genres: Action/Adventure, General, Hurt/Comfort, Suspense
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 2130 Read Count: 2216
[Report This] Published: October 31, 2018 Updated: October 31, 2018
Summary: When Shawn, Gus, and Juliet take a trip up to a mysterious small town, they expect it to be a little bit creepy. After all, the town is called Purgatory. What they don't expect, is a run in with old foes who should definitely not be there. But the mysterious appearance of various enemies is just the tip of the iceberg, as the three discover a world more paranormal than they could have ever imagined (and Shawn and Gus have pretty wild imaginations).

Crossover with Wynonna Earp (but you don't necessarily have to have seen it to understand what's going on).
Categories: Season, Alternate Universe, Crossover
Characters: Gus, Juliet, Shawn
Genres: Action/Adventure, Horror, Mystery, Supernatural, Suspense
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 2222 Read Count: 3122
[Report This] Published: September 30, 2018 Updated: October 09, 2018