It's been awhile and the year of Covid meant priorities shifted for me for that time.
This site was born out of love and I still love it, the show, and the community we had here. I know many have moved on as I, myself, have since the glory days of the show. That said, I never want Psychfic to become a site that just disappears one day and all that was created here also disappears. I want it to remain for all who want it and may discover it in the future.
Things that have stalled me from getting things back up and running, like the community forum, is the tech behind the archive and the forum are very out of date. I also have been away from the coding side of things for so long that I'm having to refresh and relearn things from the past.
The archive script this site is built on, eFiction, is likely dead in any further development. They were working on an update, but are now hoping that someone volunteers to continue the work as they have given up the open source script. It is not going to be updated until someone takes over the script. They are located at if your are curious.
Currently Psychfic is running on 3.5.1 of eFiction. This version means we are still using PHP 5.6, which is outdated. My host automatically updates the PHP and the newest version breaks the site. I've been having them roll it back when they update, but I've gotten a notice from them that I need to update or find another host that supports 5.6.
Looking into it, eFiction version 3.5.5 is said to support the newer PHP. So I need to do an update to the archive. I've signed up on a backup site to do periodic backups and once that happens I'll be attempting an update hoping I don't run into issues since I'm so rusty with coding. If it works, I'm hoping the new PHP will work and that is one problem fixed.
I already bought the upgrade for the Forum, and I may make a fundraiser to cover the cost in the future, but I'm not going to do that until I get the archive and the forum as up to date and functioning as I can. I need to work with vBulletin to get the old forum transferred over. I'm hoping it will all transfer and we won't have to start over. There's lots of good information and conversations on the old forum.
I've also been told about a request to transfer Psychfic to AO3. I will be looking into it to see what that entails. Personally, I've never been a fan of the AO3 format nor the way things are categorized and laid out on AO3. I'll look into it, though.
In the end, I'm trying to get things updated and the forum back and running. If any of you are still around, please bear with me.
Perhaps the coming release of Psych 3 will bring new members to the site and forum. I want to have a good place for those, new and old, to get together and share their love of Psych.
I'll keep you posted on how things are going.
--JessicaRae on May 27, 2021 5:15 pm 3 Comments
Keep us updated on the fundraising idea too! I'm sure we can get something together and I can help wherever needed.
I just finished my PHP class so I've got the basics fresh of you need any help there too. My knowledge level probably isn't high enough but I'm usually pretty good at figuring things out too.
I'm so excited for the possibility of the forum coming back.
Thank you for all you are doing!