Date: April 26, 2020 4:46 pm Title: Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
AMAZING! This is so well written! I looooooove how you wrote Lassiter! It’s so in character! I also love that Lassie is more upset about Juliet not trusting him than Juliet dating Shawn. It’s so good and interesting and super in character! Fantastic job!
Date: February 17, 2018 10:41 pm Title: Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
This is fabulous, and **so much better** than what happened in the show! I'm pretty darn late to the party, but thanks for writing this!
Date: September 15, 2013 10:38 pm Title: Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
First, I couldn't stop laughing after reading this line.
Carlton couldn’t stop the small explosion of coffee spluttering past his lips even if he’d tried. Not the image he wanted in his head right now!
Just hilarious.
Then I almost cried at the last line. It showed just how much Shawn cares for Juliet and now Lassiter realizes it too.
Date: June 20, 2012 10:09 am Title: Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
Hello! This story is perfectly glorious! I am so impressed by how well you capture Lassiter's voice. This is the first story I've read where I've been able to really "hear" Lassiter, and that includes my own. Namaste, master! Also, the whole story is beautiful. Beautifully written, beautiful scenes, and beautiful feeling behind it. Thanks so much for writing! :-)
Date: October 24, 2011 1:18 am Title: Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
Very nice! Almost better than what really happened in the show! Cute! :)
Author's Response: Aww thank you! By the way, I'm enjoying your "Holi-daze" series with Lassiter and his new chick. Nice to see Lassie happy.
Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Date: October 23, 2011 11:57 pm Title: Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
Oh. My. Crap. That was so ... guh. I'm too in awe to use my words properly. It was beautiful is what it was! I LOVE THE WAY YOU WRITE LASSIE! I just love it beyond anything! And the scene with Jules and Lassie and she was crying and they were hugging and he just cares about her SO MUCH! *sniff* And Shawn's message at the end! GAHHHH! So much love for your fic. I volunteer to take over all your other responsibilities so you can devote all of your time to writing, because the world needs more of this goodness!!!
Author's Response: Hello! Thank you so much for reading and reviewing. I loved writing that scene with Lassiter and Juliet on the bench, it's my favorite moment in the entire story. That, and the moment he sees her as he's about to walk into the Chief's office to bust them. He just knows he'll crush her if he goes through with it, and in the end, he just can't bring himself to do that to her, even though she's already hurt him by lying about her relationship. Lassiter is loyal to a fault, regardless how much he hates that burden sometimes.
Thank you again for reading and taking time to review!
Date: October 23, 2011 3:29 pm Title: Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
That was great, thank you!
Author's Response: You're welcome! Thank you so much for reading, and leaving a review!
Date: October 23, 2011 3:14 pm Title: Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
Most excellent, Texas! I was curious to see how you felt about Lassie's reaction to Shawn and Juliet's relationship, since you write him so well.
I sort of want to hug the last half of this story. The scene between Juliet and Lassiter was such a nicely executed moment between partners. It's great seeing that protective side of the head detective and I love that you had Shawn recognize it with that last line. Lassie will have every right to shoot him and Shawn knows he'll deserve it, too.
Great work as always!
Author's Response: Well hello! Thank you so much for reading and reviewing my story! Poor Lassie, he's more hurt by the fact that Juliet didn't trust him than the fact she's dating Shawn. He still would have hated her choice in men but if she'd just shown him enough love & respect to tel him when it started, he would have tolerated it. And, secretly, been touched by the fact she confided in him. Knowing he's not as trustworthy as he thought he was really hurt him, because she's his best friend, and that's a hard pill to swallow. Add in the fact he's so lonely, and he needs that interaction with her, well, he'd be one hurt puppy. I couldn't NOT write that!
Again, thank you so much for reading. I'm currently working on the epilogue for "A Very BAMF!Lassie Fic". Enjoy!
Date: October 23, 2011 2:00 pm Title: Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
Dude, you are awesome and so is Lassie! I tip my hat (the one I don't have to wear anymore) to you.
PS - check your email... ;-)
Author's Response: Thank you for the rating/review! Yes, Lassie IS awesome. He is, by far, my favorite Psych character. He deserves more attention from the Psych fandom, so that's why my stories almost always feature him. I'm glad you enjoyed the story! And e-mail = checked! Texasartchick