Date: September 07, 2018 6:05 am Title: General Hospital
I'll have you know that I clicked on this just to start it before I went to bed and was so sucked in I had to read the whole thing and now it's 4am XD
Oh man, I absolutely love this and am astonished I've never read it before.
The work obsessed, sleep deprived, caffeine hyped Shawn is my favorite!!! Pair that with all of the other angst and no one listening to him and combine it with whump and DING DING DING we have a winner favorite!!
Seriously this is so awesome and on point it's fantastic!!! I love it!!!

Date: January 28, 2015 4:59 pm Title: Prologue
I really like the concept that the SBPD would think Shawn to not be serious enough to handle certain types of cases (and I think that particular brand of fic should be explored more, but that's probably just me.)
It's interesting to see the downside to Shawn's constant joking around, and how it affects the other's understanding of him. On the one side it may be exactly be what he wants to accomplish by acting the way he does, that people don't see his true potential and all that, but here it collides heavily with what may actually be on his subconcious, that he actually wants people to take him seriously, and maybe trust him (and his instincts) more.
I especially liked the conflicts between Shawn and Gus/Henry. Those two are the ones who should know better, and still they tend to scrutinize his actions even harder than others might. So it was really nice to see Shawn have to work on his own for a change, without being able to rely on the ones closest to him.
I'm not even going into how much I love the writing itself – it's so very vivid and entertaining that it's a true delight to read. My favorite part was probably the description of a sleep deprived Shawn struggling to stay awake to tell his tale. Closely followed by the whump, but that's a given I guess. At least on this site. XD
Date: December 17, 2013 1:25 am Title: General Hospital
I've read this before a few years ago and I just read it all again now. Oh my gosh. Its still the best fanfiction I've ever read. Of any fandom hands down. I could write a review as long as this entire story singing its praises, but for the sake of time I will just tell you plainly that this is astounding level writing. You need to write an original book, you have the talent. This story is eons better than the official Psych novels. Actually, I would even go so far as to say that I liked this story better than any episode of the actual show! I don’t know how you can write so well, you’re inhuman!! This is one of the most intriguing cant-stop-reading stories I’ve ever read. You should be published.
The characters were well written, the plot was flawless, and the relationships were absolutely beautiful. You got him and his dad perfectly. I am just so in awe of this story and your writing. Please do the world a service and continue to write a whole lot more. I absolutely loved this.
Date: March 25, 2013 5:48 pm Title: Loose Ends
Great story! :)
Date: March 25, 2013 5:48 pm Title: Loose Ends
Great story! :)
Date: May 14, 2012 12:56 am Title: Loose Ends
Lol. ( "...Time to go!") Loved the story, and the whole fugitive on the run thing. Great job :D

Date: October 23, 2011 4:24 pm Title: Raise and Shine
yep. a definitely exciting chapter. (this is my favorite story with the possible exception to 4 stories up story you wrote, centipede!
Anyway both you guys are amazing!
Date: October 23, 2011 12:35 am Title: Loose Ends
Great Story - Lots of fun and some seriously crazy Shawn moments! Now I just need to read the rest of your stuff!
Date: December 05, 2010 12:07 am Title: Loose Ends
Oh my gosh, I LOVED THIS STORY!! The whole aspect of Shawn on caffeine and people worried about him touches my heart. ^_^ It also had GREAT suspense!!! Hehehe! Thanks!
Date: December 04, 2010 2:00 am Title: Caffinated Conversations
Thank you SOOOO MUCHHH for having Lassiter think Shawn was on drugs or drunk! ^_^ ^_^ I've been waiting to read a fanfic with that! And concerned Juliet as well!!