Reviews For Cars and Effect
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Reviewer: insert56 Signed [Report This]
Date: July 20, 2018 4:49 pm Title: Chapter 3

OKAY I just read this one a few weeks ago, yet I have no idea why I didn't review it...

...Now that I remember, I actually think I DO remembering reviewing it? What the heck? Weird.

Annnnnnnywaaayyyy. I love this XD

Of COURSE Shawn and Gus would happen to be in Lassie's car, well, trunk, when some guys decided to steal it XD

And they ended up somewhere far away totally screwed without their phones and wallets and Gus is all pissy XD

I thought it was a really unique idea and something that I didn't know that I needed. Lassie is also great in this and soooo spot on.

Fav lines:

“Out. Now. Or I call the cops for real.”

Shawn protested at that. “But we already called them.”

“We?” She raised her eyebrows even higher.

“Well, my partner, Parker Peters, did. I’m just trying to keep them from leaving.”

“Out!” the woman repeated. If looks could kill, Shawn would have already been dead.

“What good will that do us?” Gus wanted to know. “We’re locked in a trunk in a car being driven to who knows where by a pair of carjackers! Who, by the way, happen to have both our cell phones so we can’t call anyone for help. And a gun if you forgot. Plus, my claustrophobia is starting to flare up.”

His Claustrophobia is flaring up XD

“Oh, also,” Shawn added, raising a hand. “Can someone lend me a hand? My pants are still stuck back here.”

Oh Shawn XD

Author's Response: I love reading your reviews! Thanks so much for taking the time to read and review. And I love seeing what lines everyone loves the most!

Reviewer: WallFlower Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 01, 2014 5:44 pm Title: Chapter 3

I could imagine Shawn and Gus doing everything in here! It was hilarious! :)

Good job!

And big Spiderman fan = me, so that was an extra bit of awesome :)

Author's Response: Oh yay! So glad you liked that bit! :D Thanks for the review too!!

Reviewer: silverluna Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 29, 2013 12:53 pm Title: Chapter 3

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! I'm so glad you finished this story! :D I really loved this chapter, it was so perfectly Psych-like that I could easily imagine it as an episode. :) 

Maybe it's because I'm still "Wizard of Oz" crazed, but I just loved the inclusion of this (plus the whole "wink wink nod nod" to Canada):

Shawn looked around, shading his eyes with his hand. “I don’t think we’re in Canada anymore, Gus.”

“It’s Kansas, Shawn, and we were never there anyway.”

“Maybe we’re there now,” Shawn suggested. “Because this certainly doesn’t look like Santa Barbara."

Sometimes I wonder if Shawn knows better but says incorrect things  just to have Gus correct him b/c it's an integral part of their dynamic (or b/c he just wants to sneak in his smug "I've heard it both ways" catchphrase). ;)

I loved that they didn't know where they were and that Shawn expected Gus to "just know", even when they speculated they might not even be in California anymore. xD I also loved their shock at the state of Lassiter's car and their worry over his probable reaction.  “And whatever wrath of Lassiter’s that we might escape for the carjacking, we certainly won’t live if we burn his car.”

LOL I can just imagine Lassiter's reaction if he happens across Shawn and Gus standing next to the fiery, smoking remains of his car! It's sort of a terrifying image. XDDDD

Shawn and the three different kinds of pie... XDDDD Loved that! Also Shawn thinking that Gus would pick up the tab, maybe b/c in "Disco Didn't Die", Gus had money stuffed in his sock. xD 

Loved Gus in "jackal mode" and this:

Oh…” Shawn turned to look at the men again. “Maybe we should talk to them and keep them busy until someone gets here.”

“What?” Gus stared at Shawn in disbelief. “How are you going to keep them busy for that long?”

“Psht, please, Gus, I know at least 30 knock-knock jokes.”

LOLOLOLOL It's so funny how Gus is worried about the practical thing: they'll be recognized by the carjackers, while Shawn isn't worried because he's excellent at stalling bad guys with his long monologues and, apparently,  30 knock-knock jokes! XD LOLOMG

The part where Shawn tells the waitress that he's a psychic working with the police and those two men are criminals but  she fails to believe him reminds me so much of the scene in "Shawn, Interrupted" when he's strapped to the bed, telling the doctors what sounds like "crazy" stuff and they don't believe him either. Poor Shawn LOL! The stuff he says can be a hard sell. ;)

LOLOLOLOL The Shawn and Gus banter when they are running from the carjackers was perfect!!! The two of them accusing each other of being the one recognized, squabbling about whose fault it is in the first place and who has to make up a plan! LOL

Great ending! I love Lassiter threatening to make Shawn and Gus walk if they don't stop fighting—and Juliet seconding it! :D 

I just adored the last lines, Gus turning slightly apologetically toward the deputy and uttering the ultra-polite "thanks for the ride". I could absolutely see him doing this. :) Thanks again for the wonderful story!!! :D


Author's Response: I think he might. Shawn loves to bug people, doesn't he? :)

Reviewer: Redwolffclaw Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 27, 2013 3:26 pm Title: Chapter 3

Thank you for reminding me to read this! I love how they accused each other of giving themselves away. Still think it was Gus' fault though. :)

Author's Response: You're welcome! (And yep, I agree. lol) Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: skylucy Anonymous [Report This]
Date: December 26, 2013 5:15 pm Title: Chapter 3

Thank you so much for finishing your story--I am so happy that you did because it was a wonderfully fun read ;^)

Author's Response: You're welcome; thanks for letting me know you enjoyed it!

Reviewer: unobtrusivescribe Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 10, 2013 2:42 pm Title: Chapter 2

Geez- luoeez, those two get in to trouble wherever they go! I can't wait to see Juliet's reasoning for her boyfriend going into the trunk. Poor Carlton, he never gets a break from Shawn & Gus' shenanigans! Where could have those to ended up?
Please update soon!

Author's Response: Haha Don't they? :D Poor poor Lassie... he's always dealing with way more trouble than he wants or needs because of them.

Reviewer: silverluna Signed [Report This]
Date: February 24, 2013 8:18 pm Title: Chapter 2

LOL I love this line:

“I wouldn’t put it past him to know how to hotwire a vehicle,” Lassiter grumbled. “Henry probably taught him.”

It could be so true! Though it might go against Henry's law abiding nature, I still wouldn't put it past *him* to teach Shawn such a skill, "just in case". 

YAY! I love that Lassiter and Juliet are now on the case! It's funny to think that Lassiter's first thoughts are that he's being pranked by Shawn and Gus, while Juliet is all like, "OMG, the car is gone and so is Shawn!!!" But then she still has to reassure her partner that Shawn wouldn't have done anything as serious as disabling Lassiter's car's GPS. Lassie totally has a good reason to be super-ticked off now—not only did his car get jacked but they messed with the GPS too! That car is like is second baby (after his gun). 

LOL OMG I love your Shawn-Gus bicker fighting, I can totally hear it in my head, especially Gus with his 

"Plus, my claustrophobia is starting to flare up.”

“Gus, you are not claustrophobic.”

“Yes I am, Shawn.”

I'm reminded of the scene in Dis-Lodged, when they have to hide under the desk and Gus is complaining about having "someone's knee in his face" and Shawn counters with "That's your own knee!". XD 

Shawn must be happy to know that he *and* Gus can fit in the trunk. It must be a fairly spacious trunk. XD (Okay, he's probably not that happy at the moment.) 

They got out! But maybe this was not such a good thing. O.o *bites nails* Thanks for the update! 

Author's Response: Hehehehe Poor boys.

Reviewer: marniewings Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 24, 2013 5:24 pm Title: Chapter 2

Uh oh. What happened lol. Update soon can't wait to see what happens next!

Author's Response: You got it, dude! Sorry I never responded, but I really appreciate the review and rating! :)

Reviewer: Mrs-N-Uzumaki Signed [Report This]
Date: February 24, 2013 12:53 pm Title: Chapter 2

“What good will that do us?” Gus wanted to know. “We’re locked in a trunk in a car being driven to who knows where by a pair of carjackers! Who, by the way, happen to have both our cell phones so we can’t call anyone for help. And a gun if you forgot. Plus, my claustrophobia is starting to flare up.”

“Gus, you are not claustrophobic.”

“Yes I am, Shawn.”

Lol this is such Shawn/Gus banter!

Author's Response: Ooh, thanks for that compliment! It can be tricky to hit right sometimes.

Reviewer: Redwolffclaw Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 24, 2013 1:11 am Title: Chapter 2

Missed this one somehow! Glad you updated because it is getting really interesting.

Author's Response: Yay!! *throws confetti and late review responses everywhere*

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