Date: October 10, 2013 3:13 pm Title: And Cut!
This is great!
Date: March 17, 2013 3:42 pm Title: And Cut!
I really like the way you've framed this. It seems to fit with the choppy way the episode was present, though without being choppy. It reminds me of the moments when Shawn goes snooping in Dixon's bedroom, taking in the room, the strange animal skin hanging on the wall and the fur covered bed and then opening to box. It was just Shawn, his point of view. I always enjoy getting a peek at a character's innermost thoughts, so it was really cool to see Shawn alone, weighing his hopped up high adrenaline self with his "absolutely no one else around but me" self, the self that doesn't want to make jokes and wants to throw up at all the horrors he sees.
I really liked your story—I think it gave depth to Shawn's behavior in the episode. He's not really heartless, but he can't stand bad things happening to people he cares about. Even Lassie. xD But then again if he doesn't go for the humor, he might fall apart. Maybe Shawn was also reacting a little to Juliet's badassness and being tempted too much by over-ridiculous side characters Kate and Chavo, and Gus, eating just about everything in sight. Lol, I don't know that for sure, but I enjoyed how you continued Gus' insistence of eating and the whole dry rubbed thing, like this:
“Oh, like you weren't willing to touch his dry roasted haunch meat?”
“Dry rubbed, it was dry rubbed,” Gus enunciated, popping his Bs, “and it wasn't Lassie.”
LOL, I can really hear Gus there "popping the Bs". He's pretty serious about his meat. xD
Date: March 16, 2013 12:33 am Title: And Cut!
lmao hilarious and brilliant!

Date: March 15, 2013 8:23 am Title: And Cut!
Howdy Drag!
Just finished reading this episode tag, and it's wonderful! Though I LOVED "Lassie Jerky" as a Psych episode, I will say the ONLY thing that I felt was "off" was Shawn and Gus's total lack of concern for Lassiter's well being. I know the show is primarily a comedy but come on, Lassiter is their FRIEND! Your episode tag puts their seemingly callous behavior into perspective nicely, and it does so in a way that I hadn't thought of. NICE throwback to the seemingly indifferent and inappropriate behavior by Shawn & Gus in "An Evening With Mr. Yang!" Very original!
Thanks for writing this. It was only a little over 900 words but I enjoyed reading every one!

Date: March 15, 2013 1:47 am Title: And Cut!
“Last one to the car has to lick a Serb!”
-Oh Man, Shawn's So Hilarious. & Awesome. XD
I Loved How Bad Ass Jules Was In This Ep. She Was Killer, Literally, With That Cross Bow. ;P
That Beginning Was Really Cool, Showing Shawn Come Down From The Adrenaline High. Nice Job. X3
Date: March 15, 2013 1:04 am Title: And Cut!
LMAO I enjoyed this a ton man, you're extremely talented