Reviews For Just Desserts
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Reviewer: Derannimer Signed [Report This]
Date: February 25, 2018 11:20 pm Title: Finally Getting Desserts

Hey I'm late to the party but I had to tell you that this is AMAZING, this is PERFECT! All of it, from "poison-urderer" to Shawn calling Lassiter "Honey Bear" to the creative kitchen whump to Marlowe poisoning the guy with her skin (she's so kick-ass) to Gus working out the poison! This seriously could be an episode, and it would be a great one. Why in the heck you don't have more reviews is beyond me, but I figured I could add one, at least. Jolly well done!

Author's Response: :) Thank you so much! I had a lot of fun doing this one.

Reviewer: Pianissimo Signed [Report This]
Date: December 30, 2013 11:22 am Title: Happy Anniversary

I meant to review this when I read it 5 days ago but completely forgot until now so here's some sappy stuff:

The fact that Juliet and Carlton have a cute little anniversary dinner is just really cute oh lord and it's only made cuter by the fact that Juliet wants to turn it into a double date. I especially enjoy how it's all integrated into the Trout plot; a lot of Carlton's decisions revolve around him keeping his job for the good of all even though he (and Shawn) know he could be helping more and I've gotta say, all this really just shows that you know their personalities and you characterize them so well and this is one huge run-on sentence but I'm going to end it here by saying you did such a great job.

And Shawn is!!! observant!!!!! The little clues certainly lent to the mystery of it all (we all knew one of Trout's detectives would be a jerk, smh), but I'll commend you on keeping it easy to follow (which is something I've never been able to do). I really like how they're all crime solvers so they all pitch in and it's just a nice little sense of community.

Other good things: mispronunciation jokes (thank you, fancy french wines), couples being cute, this entire story, Carlton's pun at the end, and all the whump (being stuffed in the oven sounds...........bad)

luv u lots xoxo

Author's Response:

lol! Thank you so much!

Glad you liked the mispronunciations! I stuck one in there kind of on the sly. Earlier in the story Shawn is talking to Juliet and says Bella Donna... later, while talking to Trout he calls it Jezabella. I always thought half of Shawn's mispronouncing words was him being... well, him.

I am glad you liked the mystery! I tried to lay it out like an episode because I've never been all that good with the procedural stuff.

Reviewer: ladipretender Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 29, 2013 9:17 pm Title: Finally Getting Desserts

I still love the way you set this up so seamlessly, and loved how Shawn tried to give all the credit for it to Lassie.  Also liked how Juliet is wondering why yet another partner is a murderer.  Loved it the first time through, and really liked the way you broke the story up <3 

Author's Response:

:) Thanks for liking the arrangement. I had it in mind when I wrote the story

Really appreciate the feedback and happy new year!

Reviewer: ladipretender Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 29, 2013 9:08 pm Title: Cooking the Main Course

Poor Carlton, that would NOT be a fun way to die...Good thing for him Juliet arrived to save the day.  But the new partner showing up to guard Marlowe isn't the good thing that you assume Shawn...And the gang realizes that fact a little bit TOO late...Let's just hope they can find her in time.  

Author's Response: I figured it would be best to have Juliet save him as opposed to Shawn. Would strengthen their bond and Lassie wouldn't have to put up with coming to work with overdone bread loaves sitting on his desk for the next month. C'mon son. You know Shawn would do that.

Reviewer: ladipretender Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 29, 2013 9:05 pm Title: Appetizing Information

Aww, Shawn gets Lassie to get right back in the game...Too bad for him that it's probably NOT the best idea in this case.  And Gus to the rescue with the form of poison <3 <3  And Juliet to the rescue...

Author's Response: I've noticed that Shawn and Juliet are the only people that can get Lassie to loosen up. Love the part where Shawn talks him into breaking protocol in Gus Walks Into a Bank. "You are so sexy right now" Lol

Reviewer: ladipretender Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 29, 2013 9:00 pm Title: Wined and Dined

Liked the way that Shawn was trying to make sure Lassiter didn't accidentally poison himself by trying to save that woman's line...And how he automatically tries to smooth things over when the man opens his mouth and is immediately insensitive.  (I think that's one of my favorite things about makes me laugh every time)  

And gotta love the slight whumping of Shawn, because he wouldn't let that go...Even though Shawn saved her life.  Lassie always is quick to dismiss it all, and love that Juliet has to step in and try to smooth it all out.  

Gotta say, though don't like Juliet's new partner one little bit.  But Love that Marlowe makes Lassie feel better <3 

Author's Response:

Lassie has no social tact whatsoever. I love when he screws up too. 

I thought I would go all classic Psych and have Lassie manhandle Shawn a bit.

Reviewer: ladipretender Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 29, 2013 8:52 pm Title: Happy Anniversary

I read this on the Secret Santa as a one shot, but must see how you've broken it up...And I also noticed that no one has reviewed it yet, so I might right that wrong.  I loved the concept that you got, and I think you completely did it justice, and I liked the way you referred to the "Trout Situation' and I have to say it would be completely in character for Juliet to stop Lassiter from stopping their tradition.  

Just the thought of Shawn and Lassiter having to be nice to each other for an entire date makes me laugh, as does Juliet having to end up keeping the peace.  <3  And Shawn noticing something off about Denise...Even if he chalks it up to her having a bad day.  But, I love the comment he makes about antique guns being much safer than swords...Which is true IF they aren't able to be fired...

And then leaving it off with Shawn's announcement :D  

Author's Response:

Aw, this was super sweet of you! I figured everyone already read it when it was in the secret santa thing so this was a huge surprise!


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