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Reviewer: Koohii Kappu Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 05, 2018 6:30 pm Title: Chapter 1



Reviewer: DinerGuy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 05, 2018 2:58 pm Title: Chapter 1

Oh my goodness! The opening line grabbed me and refused to let go!!

I really love the way you set the story up in the way you narrated it. It was so perfect with so many little nuances and uuugggh. The way they all responded to what happened, the way the trio stay at the hospital, the way Gus falls asleep reading the brochure (because that is totally him), and on and on and on. I love the relationship that you demonstrate between all of them, because that's what it is and that's one thing that makes the dynamics of the show so awesome.

I would say way more but I am down to the use of one hand and find that I can't formulate my thoughts in writing quite as well when I can only type one-handed, but I wanted to let you know just how much I loved this And say thank you so much for writing it!!!

Author's Response: Thank you so much for this awesomeness of a review Diner! I appreciate it immensely, and I'm so happy to know I got the relationships and the feeling of it right. This series is so important to me, these characters so close to my soul, I just have to make them justice. And I'm happy you noticed the bit about Gus reading related brochures because - ggggh it just felt like such a Gus thing to do

Reviewer: harakiri Signed [Report This]
Date: August 04, 2018 5:44 am Title: Chapter 1

I couldn't help but pick up on the almost throw-away "Shawn rolls into the room from his cigarette break" line. Somehow, it is perfect for the characterisation in this story.

Seeing the gang through Lassie's eyes is always a treat and in this specific situation, his assessment of their feelings for him is just incredibly heartbreaking. It reminded me a bit of A Christmas Carol - in the way Lassiter learned more about himself and the people who love him by looking into their lives from a very different perspective. 

And seeing how this is an anniversary story, it perfectly illustrates how far the characters have come from the first time we meet them. :)

Author's Response: I'm so glad you liked the pov! And I love how people actually liked a lot the idea of Shawn sneaking out for a cig in times of great stress... I just love to, you know, pepper my fics with details like this, little vices, little sins: they're all adult men and women, after all, and I could just picture Shawn with a mangled cigarette in his hands, smoking outside the hospital doors and trying hard not to think too hard. I'm glad the sentiment came through :D

Reviewer: PineappleHead Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 02, 2018 12:08 am Title: Chapter 1

If I were forced to choose an example a perfect story, this would be it. Just---so many little things made this one so good. I truly love the way you write the dynamic between Lassiter and Juliet. Just spot-on, perfect. And for whatever reason, I found myself oddly attached to the idea of Shawn stealing a cigarette break.

All the stars! What can I say?

Author's Response: Damn, you made me blush friend! Seriously, that was such a nice thing to wake up to. Your words mean a lot. Also, I'm always scared I tend to make my Lassie a bit too soft (I'm blinded by parental love tbh) but I'm super happy you love his dynamic with Jules nonetheless! Thank you so so much for taking the time to tell me your thoughts, really.

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