Date: August 05, 2018 3:02 pm Title: I Said Cake, Not Quake
So I'm glad I got a chance to review this story as I was betaing it for you, because I got a chance to tell you how I felt about all the things before I ended up in the predicament I am now. lol
But this story is fantastic and I'm so glad that you wrote it! I love all the little snippet of scenes from each character's point of view, and all of the creative things that you managed to come up with For the individual stories.
So much love for all of this!
Date: August 04, 2018 5:48 am Title: Shawn and the Motorcycle Thief
I love your idea of writing 12 vignettes for this challenge! Especially since you did do as promised andgave every major character a moment to shine.
My fav story was Putid Peer Pressure because yes to awkward teenage Gus! XD I also loved the earthquake story, because we need more earthquake stories. As someone who has never experienced and earthquake, I can say that your description of it was vivid enough to make me "live it", so to speak.
And of course you had to end the whole fic on this depressing note, what is wrong with the people on this website. XD
Date: August 01, 2018 6:45 am Title: The Detective, The Mugger, and the Alleyway
Oooh poor dear Lassie! I truly love the way you write his voice. It's harsh and practical but subtly melancholic, too. Let's hope Jules comes to the rescue and saves her mopy partner.
But really, the bit about streets being too dark? That made me laugh out loud.
Date: August 01, 2018 6:39 am Title: Elevator Games
This is just so hilarious and perfectly Psych. I love these two together zand the humor, the writing, everything works just so so well!
Date: August 01, 2018 3:19 am Title: Putid Peer Pressure
You see, there are two things I particularly loved in this. First of all, your portrait of teen Gus - I imagine this shirt-wearing, shy, softly awkward fifteen-year-old trying to make his way in the jungle of high school social rules, and your story gives off this exact vibe! Second of all, Shawn playing the Mom friend, for once - his independence and allergy to expectations coming to the rescue. It's bittersweet and so in character, especially when you think about his fights with Henry and wonder - do his Dad know how responsible his wayward son can be? Do he know what he's ready to do for his best friend?
So, a blizzard of feelings.
Date: August 01, 2018 3:13 am Title: Juliet's Fears
I'm tasting this story bit by bit because I want this deliciousness to last, but oooh, this chapter was powerful. Our Jules, so beautiful and strong. Facing danger like the real pro she is. And now I can't help wonder - what's going to happen? What does the car want? Is Jules going to beat ass (that's silly, she always does.)
Anyway, I'm hooked, so great job! :)