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Reviewer: Redwolffclaw Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 05, 2020 4:14 am Title: Summertime Sadness

You have Gus down pat. Makes me wonder what Shawn maxed the card out on this time ;)

Reviewer: insert56 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 02, 2020 9:03 pm Title: Into the Unknown

Ahhh! Skipps!! This is perfect for the prompt!! I haven't really seen this covered before and I absolutely love it!!

Reviewer: winterwolf Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 23, 2020 9:19 pm Title: Heatwave

Ooh, very awesome use of descriptions! Definitely hooked me and drew me in. Created such a vivid and uncomfortable atmosphere, I felt so bad for her. I like how it starts so dramatically and then builds to the moment where it's revealed what's actually happening.

Reviewer: PineappleHead Signed [Report This]
Date: June 22, 2020 1:29 am Title: Heatwave

I like the way you played with the descriptions. The intensity builds up well through those compounding details for a really nice effect.

For a second there, I thought she was burning alive, so finding out that it was a fever was a really good "aha!" moment for me. :-D

Reviewer: winterwolf Signed [Report This]
Date: May 02, 2020 7:48 pm Title: Who Are You?

Oh, wow, that was good! I liked the little roller coaster of emotions from sad, to relieved, to "oh my gosh, you can't end it there!" This is so good and I really enjoyed it. Can't wait to see what you do for the next prompt. :)

Reviewer: winterwolf Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 27, 2020 11:46 am Title: Sound of Silence II

Ugh, this one hurt to read. I forgot how emotional this episode was (now I've gotta go back and watch it again, lol). You did such an awesome job of exploring Shawn's thoughts/feelings in this scene, and with such a small word count, that's REALLY impressive. Those final lines are especially heartbreaking. Such a good one-shot. I love it!

Reviewer: Koohii Kappu Signed [Report This]
Date: April 25, 2020 8:23 pm Title: Sound of Silence

"He missed his partner. He shook his head. No, that wasn't right. She wasn't just his partner anymore, she was his family and he missed his family like hell."


Reviewer: Koohii Kappu Signed [Report This]
Date: April 19, 2020 12:27 pm Title: Lockdown

This is EXACTLY how I'd expect Shawn to react! Awesome job!
And welcome to the challenge! =D

Reviewer: PineappleHead Signed [Report This]
Date: April 19, 2020 10:55 am Title: Lockdown

Awwwwww, that's adorable! And honestly, it's a completely and 100% plausible reaction for Shawn to have during the lockdown. :-D

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