Reviews For Say Goodbye
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Reviewer: Kritty Signed [Report This]
Date: August 07, 2020 8:19 pm Title: See the World by Candlelight

This hurt. But it was wonderful

Reviewer: winterwolf Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 25, 2020 2:53 pm Title: See the World by Candlelight

Oh, wow, this is so good! I could guess how it was going to end, just from how it was set up at the beginning, but that didn't ease the hurt when I finally did reach that part. Just... wow. The way you kept up the suspense throughout it, with the switching POVs and the slowly building tension. It made me feel so on edge the whole way through. And I love how Gus immediately knew something was wrong just from the way Shawn's voice sounded - he knows his friend so well. Also the fact that calling Gus was the first thing Shawn did after talking to the police; that really hurt but it felt so right too. Sorry for the rambling review, but I just wanted to say how amazing this little fic is and that it really made my day.

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