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Story Notes:

Angsty, angsty, angsty, angst. I'm warning you, there will be character death, but not until much, much later on.

Disclaimer:Not mine, still. :( But I can borrow them for a while, right? ;)


The first thing Shawn had to do that morning was convince Gus that chasing after a serial killer was NOT a bad idea(even though it turns out to be the worst thing he's ever done).


"Gus, don't be a silly-willy snarkle bear."

"What? How does tha-"

"Shhh. Calm yourself. Do some Lamaze breathing."

"Shawn, you know I only did that once-" Or twice, or three times or every time Shawn sees him. But seriously, how many times can you get that stressed without exploding?

"...and you should know, it's a very helpful technique that, as I've said before, assisted many people..." If by many people, you mean women in their third trimester, then, sure.

"...Shawn! Are you listening??" No.

"Yes, buddy, you know I'm riveted to your college-worthy lecture of the many reasons I should breathe like a pregnant lady, but I kind of have a more pressing concern right now."

"What? What is more important-"

"Mr. Spencer, Mr. Guster, thank you for coming."

Shawn has never been(and probably never will be) more thankful in his life to hear the chief talk.

"Why. Are. THEY. Here.  Chief, this is a department case and sure, they pretend to work here. But this is more then a normal circumstance. What the hell could your reason be for calling these two immature, stuck in the 80's, fucking fakes in?"

Whoa. Shawn's never actually had Lassiter freak like that before(well, not THAT bad) and it's just not as satisfying as he always imagined it would be.

Wait a second. He's just noticed the absence of one pretty blond detective and considering the circumstances, Shawn's starting to get worried.

"...this is more then a normal circumstance..."

"Mr. Spencer, get down to the station right now. We need you."

"...Hmm. Jules isn't answering her phone. Oh well, guess we'll just go."

"Where's Jules?" Shawn might know the answer, but god, no, it can't be right. Because it can't be, it can't be-

"Detective O'hara is missing."

But it is.



*                                                   *                                                         *


Is it possible to miss someone so much it makes you want to scream, even if you're not dating, you're not in love(yet, Shawn can't help thinking the word yet, they are not in love yet), you aren't related?

Is it normal?

Is it even important right now?

"Her name is Juliet."

"Excuse me?"

"Her. Name. Is. Juliet."

"Shawn, just calm down-" Shut up Gus, just fricking shut up!

"WHY THE HELL SHOULD I CALM DOWN? Gus, we've worked here for 4 years, damnit, and I have never once heard Vick call Jules her real name! She's your colleague, your friend! WHY can't you call her by her REAL NAME?"

"Spencer. Knock it off. We have our suspicions, but nobody can say if O'hara... um, Juliet was kidnapped, or taken by Jacobs, the guy we suspect could be the killer we've been working on."

"Right. And, Mr. Spencer, I'm sorry to have sprung it on you like that. We, of course, have no way of connecting Juliet's disappearance to Jacobs."

He notices she said Juliet, but he also notices the way her hand is nervously tapping the file that lays on her desk. He doesn't have to look to know it says Jacobs on it, doesn't have to see to understand they're bullshitting him.

"Sure. We have no way of connecting him to her. Well, YEAH, we have no way! Don't you think he would of planned this out, thought about it? She's a cop, he's going to take precautions, to notice the things only a cop would notice, to make sure that there is no way to connect him. Until she shows up a year later in a ditch, DEAD!"

He can't breathe, he's hyperventilating. Why is this all hitting him so hard? (He knows why.)

Why can't he stop picturing his last- no, no, no they weren't(will not be) his last days with her. They will have more days, more years, he knows.




*                                                 *                                                           *


"Okay, okay, well, it's fine. I mean, you guys have to have some good leads on this guy, and we will be able to find Jules in no time. No big deal. It's all good."

Shawn appreciates Gus trying to make everyone feel better, though he is completely failing. But nothing can get Shawn's mind off this case anymore. He's desperately searching through his imaginary photos in his memory, seeing if anything(anything at all) sparks a clue, a lead, a rescue.

An envelope. An open envelope was on his counter when they arrested him. It was facing down and an address was written.

2181 Pagel Street.


"He knew someone."


"He knew someone, and he was in contact with them. He was writing them a letter."

Lassie and the Chief exchange startled glances. Well, Lassie's is more half pissed off and half sort of, kind of relieved. But it still counts.

Shawn's just glad they're going to take him seriously, because this, this matters.

It's Juliet.

"Well? Was there a name?"


"No! Spencer, what good is it for you to have a-"

"There wasn't a name but there was an address. 2181 Pagel Street."

Ha. Lassie looks embarrassed, and Shawn hasn't lost his fondness of making Carly cringe.

"Pagel Street? That's somewhere downtown... Well, Lassiter, what are you waiting for? Get McNabb, get back- up. Shawn, Gus, you're going to follow us, and I'm going to radio the police stations in other areas. Let's do this, now! That's one of our own out there!"

Shawn doesn't have to be told twice and before the chief has even taken a breath, he's gone, Gus sprinting behind him.

All Shawn is thinking about is her.




Chapter End Notes:

Hope you liked! Or at least, are not considering shooting me right now? I might continue this, but probably only if I get 2 reviews. At the most! That's not asking for much, is it?

Ok, ok, I'll stop being a whiny baby now.


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