Juliet O'Hara is trying very hard to get over the "Spencer incident" that occurred at the drive-in the night Mr. Yang was captured. Unfortunately her partner thinks that her judgment is compromised and believes she's handling it in exactly the wrong way. Will Juliet follow through with her plans to change her personal life, or will Lassiter be able to prevent her from making what he believes is a colossal mistake?
Sometimes it takes living through adversity to let one know who their friends really are - and just how strong they can be.
WARNING: Major spoiler for the end of "An Evening With Mr. Yang."
Rated: T
Categories: Season Characters: Juliet, Lassiter, OMC
Genres: Angst, Drama, Humor, Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: Sensitive Material
Challenges: Lassie Face!
Challenges: Lassie Face!
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Completed: Yes
Word count: 21711 Read: 19399
Published: June 14, 2009 Updated: July 04, 2009
1. The Rejection Reaction by Texasartchick [Reviews - 30] (4646 words)
2. The Truth About Robert by Texasartchick [Reviews - 17] (4854 words)
3. True Colors by Texasartchick [Reviews - 13] (7952 words)
4. The Present and the Past (Epilogue) by Texasartchick [Reviews - 24] (4259 words)