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Story Notes:
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended

 Right in front of me
A couple makes what could melt the snow
making fun of me
a single look never cut me so

And I know
to save the conversation
I know
a deeper contemplation
is all I need to make believe
everyone would love me if I could fool the world

Walk away from me
I see the change in the atmosphere
what a way to be
to turn the page
just to make it clear

and I know
to change the conversation
I know
A deeper contemplation

("Fool the World"-Drake Bell)



            Shawn stepped out of the school with his backpack flung over his shoulder. Gus hadn’t been there today, his family had gone on vacation, so he’d gone it alone. He saw a couple on the lawn sharing a moment together. He looked away from them and caught a group of people talking and laughing, every so often looking over at him, and each time they did they laughed. Now he knew he could be imagining things, but that would be if he hadn’t overheard the nickname he’d acquired in the sixth grade. People knew he had a photographic memory and at first they all thought it was cool, but after he continued take tests without studying for a while they started disliking him for it and just labeled him a freak.


            After letting out a sigh he walked over to them, plastering a smile on his face.


            “Hey, Durman, Michaels, everybody. How are you all doing this fine day?” he asked with enthusiasm.


            “Spencer. We’re doing fine. Just talking. Is there something we can do for you?” the boy known as Durman asked, glaring at Shawn.


            “No, just thought I’d see everybody and join in what appeared to be a very amusing conversation.” Shawn told him.


            “Right, well, it’s not really any of your business, so if you don’t mind.” Durman said, suggesting really for Shawn to get the heck out of there.


            “Oh, right, I’ll leave you to whatever it is you were talking about.” He said and left, but not before giving a mock bow, which caused the girls in the group to laugh and then earn a glare from the boys.


            “Stupid football players.” Shawn mumbled under his breath. He fixed his backpack so it was fully on his back and started jogging for home. It helped him wear off some of the endless energy he had and clear his mind.


  Present Day

            Shawn was leaning back in the chair of the Psych office, throwing sharpened pencils up at the ceiling. Gus was coming in late that day because he had to do some work for his other job. Shawn didn’t understand why he didn’t just let that job go, but hey it was Gus’s choice.


            As he sat there trying to decide if he could make some sort of design out of the pencils on the ceiling the tune of Simple Plan’s “Grow Up” shrilled in the office. Shawn looked at his phone on the desk and answered it, not even bothering to see who was calling.


            “Yellow.” He said while he once again threw pencils up at the ceiling.


            “Mr. Spencer, we have a case for you.” He heard the Chief say.


            “Good one?” he asked out of curiosity.


            “I’ll tell you everything when you get down here, Mr. Spencer.” She said and Shawn was sure she sounded very serious.


            “Alright, be down there before you can say ‘Pineapple is the best fruit ever created.’” Shawn said before hanging up. He pocketed his phone, grabbed his helmet and keys, and was out of there and on his way to the station.




            “Hello, Mr. Spencer, please have a seat.” The Chief said when he came in. Shawn smiled at Juliet as he sat down.


            “What’s he doing here?” Lassiter asked, irritated that he was going to have to be showed up by a kid in a man’s body who claimed to be psychic.


            “I feel he could help us with this case. To be honest I was considering sending you and him both undercover.” She said.

            “What?!” Lassiter asked sounding shocked beyond belief.


            “That’s right and I want NO complaints, Carlton.” She told him pointedly and Shawn was sure that was the first time he’d ever see Lassie shrink back, it was sort of funny, but he had to keep a straight face.


            “Alright, before I give you the details of your undercover mission I’ll fill you in on the case. Chuck Doogan, sixteen years old was found in the football field behind the high school with a shot to the head. He had a note pinned to him that read ‘photo freak, one less in the world’. No witnesses as of this moment.” The Chief told them. No one noticed the look of pain that had crossed over Shawn’s facial features when she mentioned about the boy being called a photo freak and he was glad, because they wouldn’t understand.


            “Chief, if I may ask, why do Spencer and I have to go undercover?” Lassiter asked, not hiding the disgust in his voice.


            “Because we need some answers from the inside. Spencer, you’ll be going in as a counselor, while, Carlton, you’ll be going in as a janitor.” She told them.


            “Wait, he’s counselor? How’d that happen?”


            “Think about it, he’s younger, has a better idea about how to handle the teens. No offense, Carlton, but the chances of these kids opening up to you is slim to none.”


            “Fine. Don’t mess this up, Spencer?”


            “Chief, do we know what ‘photo freak’ means?” Juliet asked from her seat.


            “No, we haven’t been able to figure it out. For all we know it means he had an obsession with taking pictures or something.” She said.


            “Means photographic memory kid.” Shawn said quietly as he looked away from everyone. He was sure no one heard him, but he was proved wrong.


            “What’s that you’re saying, Spencer?” and Shawn knew Lassiter had thought he’d made a snide remark.


"I said it means the kid has a photgraphic memory and people know." he said as he got up and left the room.

Chapter End Notes:

To be continued. Let me know what you think.

This story actually came about while listening to a Drake Bell cd with my little sister. It was inspired by his song "Fool the World"

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