[Reviews - 14] starstarstarstarstarPrinter
Summary: Shawn learns the horrible truth a little too late. How can his mother really be alive? Follow Shawn in this story where he learns more about his life, than he really should. 

Shules, and OC-ish characters. Not much of Henry or Gus tho.
Disclaimer: I do not own Psych, its plotlines, characters, names, or its pineapples. No copyright infringement is intended

Rated: T
Categories: Season Characters: Shawn
Genres: Drama
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Completed: No
Word count: 5268 Read: 8829
Published: September 04, 2007 Updated: September 17, 2007
Story Notes:
Ok, I wrote down 4 chapters in my notebook last night at about 1 am. My handwriting was messy, so I'm doing my best to write it all out here.

Coolness: look for similarities in this story from my other one titled "or do you only want to dance?"

If you find them, you get free pixels! xD Or something like it.

1. Dealing with the Truth by Hey Juliet [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar (1288 words)
At the start of this chapter, we find our man of subject, Shawn Spencer, in his office with his best friend, Gus. His father just left.

2. Let's Meet Up and Go Psychic Something. by Hey Juliet [Reviews - 2] (414 words)
Aw, a bad dream D: You'll see how it results. ^_~

3. Lunch with Juliet by Hey Juliet [Reviews - 4] (873 words)
So someone else seems to understand what Shawn's going through. Possibly a pleasant surprise in the end?

4. Just HOW many mothers do I have? by Hey Juliet [Reviews - 1] (1191 words)
Shawn and Juliet prepare for the task at hand: meeting his mother. Now, in most relationships, Juliet would be more than happy to meet Mrs. Spencer, too bad that would mean Shawn has to meet her too. xD


5. The Café Next to Starbucks by Hey Juliet [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (1502 words)