But since when has a little thing like being banned from a case stopped Shawn Spencer?
Awards:Rated: T
Categories: Season Characters: Gus, Henry, Juliet, Karen, Lassiter, Shawn
Genres: Action/Adventure, Mystery, Suspense
Warnings: Graphic Violence
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 16 Completed: Yes
Word count: 38538 Read: 112814
Published: February 25, 2007 Updated: May 08, 2007
That was when I met my Psych fanfiction soul-mate centipede. She helped me work out all the kinks in my story and helped me realize the full-potential of this story. Thanks to her, this story is the best it can be. She was my encouragement, my grammar-nazi, and my holy-crap-I-have-to-do-that-because-that-idea-is-brilliant girl.
Thanks so much for rocking my Psych world!
Disclaimer: Psych and all related characters are unfortunately not even marginally owned by me. How tragic is that?
1. Prologue by MusicalLuna [Reviews - 16] (174 words)
So it begins. :D
2. Raise and Shine by MusicalLuna [Reviews - 7] (778 words)
3. One, Two, Tree! by MusicalLuna [Reviews - 4] (1926 words)
4. Double the Fun by MusicalLuna [Reviews - 7] (2993 words)
Warning: This is one of those chapters with that gore there's a warning for. Just FYI. :)
5. Lunch Meat by MusicalLuna [Reviews - 1] (2980 words)
6. The Most Abundant Element in the Universe is Hydrogen, the Second is Stupidity by MusicalLuna [Reviews - 6] (3157 words)
Some disclaimers: Numb3rs is not copyright me. I have never actually seen Numb3rs. XDDDD
McGriddles and McFlurries are McDonald's. Please don't sue me for using them in my story.
I don't know the Queen of England. I'm also pretty sure Henry isn't actually the Queen of England, but, you know, you never know.
The title is a quote by Harlan Ellison.
7. One is the Loneliest Number...And the Sleepiest by MusicalLuna [Reviews - 7] (2266 words)
Disclaimer: Oprah is not my property. Gosh darnit.
I also do not own Mountain Dew.
8. Impersonation Nation by MusicalLuna [Reviews - 10] (2903 words)
9. Catch Me If You Can (But Don't Try Too Hard) by MusicalLuna [Reviews - 10] (3012 words)
Some disclaimers: I don't own Skittles, though they are yummy.
Nor am I affiliated with Disneyland in anyway, nor are they with this story.
I own a Nintendo, but it's not a DS and I don't own the Nintendo company.
Scrabble isn't mine either. But it seriously ownz.
10. WANTED: Dead or Alive by MusicalLuna [Reviews - 6] (1831 words)
Disclaimer: Disneyland is still not mine.
Google is awesome, but also not mine.
Taco Bell and all food related to Taco Bell do not belong to me, but are super yummy. :D
11. Caffinated Conversations by MusicalLuna [Reviews - 14] (4493 words)
Disclaimers: I don't own MapQuest. DUR.
I have never had a RedBull. I don't own those either.
I am not affiliated with nor do I own the Discovery Channel. It is totally dope however, contrary to Shawn's opinion.
Starbucks is overpriced, but yummy, and I don't own it.
I didn't write Charlotte's Web.
12. This Name Ring Any Bells? by MusicalLuna [Reviews - 10] (3786 words)
Many, many thanks to centipede for helping me make this chapter rock.
Disclaimers: Starbucks, not mine.
13. Restless Spirit Indeed by MusicalLuna [Reviews - 12] (3026 words)
Yaaaaaaaaaaaay! Again, thanks to centipede. :)
Disclaimers: Red Bull, not mine.
14. Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen... by MusicalLuna [Reviews - 12] (2982 words)
The long awaited cliff-hanger resolution! :D Enjoy my peeps!
15. General Hospital by MusicalLuna [Reviews - 6] (2077 words)
16. Loose Ends by MusicalLuna [Reviews - 35] (154 words)
*snerk* And you thought it was all over.