During a double date for Carlton and Juliet's 7th partner anniversary, the group discovers all isn't what it seems and someone is the target of a killer bent on revenge.
Now, they need to find out who that target is before their celebratory dinner turns out to be just desserts.
*Spoilers through the end of Season 7*
Written for Silverluna for the Secret Santa Fic exchange
Rated: T
Categories: Post-season Characters: Juliet, Lassiter, Marlowe, Shawn
Genres: Casefile, Humor, Mystery, Suspense
Warnings: Major Spoilers
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Completed: Yes
Word count: 10427 Read: 9653
Published: December 24, 2013 Updated: December 24, 2013
1. Happy Anniversary by Redwolffclaw [Reviews - 2] (1349 words)
I'm splitting the chapters up in this even though it was one long one in the Secret Santa exchange. Hope the arrangement leaves some nice cliffies ;)
2. Wined and Dined by Redwolffclaw [Reviews - 1] (2593 words)
3. Appetizing Information by Redwolffclaw [Reviews - 1] (2337 words)
4. Cooking the Main Course by Redwolffclaw [Reviews - 1] (1684 words)
5. Finally Getting Desserts by Redwolffclaw [Reviews - 2] (2464 words)