After debunking that aliens did it on a case a few years back, Shawn said he'd never speak about aliens again. Never say never, Shawn.
Written for Redwolffclaw as a birthday/Christmas gift!
Spoilers up to season 7 finale!
Rated: eT
Categories: Season, Alternate Universe Characters: None
Genres: Action/Adventure, Casefile, Crack!, General, Humor, Supernatural
Warnings: Major Spoilers
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 11 Completed: No
Word count: 12095 Read: 16851
Published: January 01, 2014 Updated: December 23, 2014
Please note I don't own Psych. If I did, I'd be rich!
Redwolffclaw, this story is for you! Chapters will follow!
1. Flashbacks.... by Singingpurplerose [Reviews - 5] (820 words)
This is basically two flashbacks. One from Shawn's childhood (which we haven't seen on the show in a long time) and one just after "Not Even Close Encounters" hence the title of the story.
2. Man (and Woman) in Black.... by Singingpurplerose [Reviews - 3] (1091 words)
Hi! Thanks for reading so far, everyone! When Red told me she wanted a Sci-Fi fic, I instantly thought of aliens. It is, actually, a rare story on here (at least, I haven't seen any). So, enjoy!
3. Falsety, Fakery? I've Heard It Both Ways by Singingpurplerose [Reviews - 3] (1095 words)
Another chapter up! Thanks for reading thus far!
4. What's a fake psychic to do? by Singingpurplerose [Reviews - 4] (1171 words)
Sorry this one took so long. I've been doing a TON of laundry since I'm stuck in the house with a wind chill of -37 outside! Enjoy this and stay warm!
5. Nighttime antics by Singingpurplerose [Reviews - 3] (1181 words)
I'm so sorry that it took so long to get this chapter up! I was distracted by strange events in the last week, plus some other upsetting details. Here it is, though, the next chapter!
6. Wolves in Sheep's clothing by Singingpurplerose [Reviews - 2] (1173 words)
Yay, I got another chapter up! Enjoy, and to those who have reviewed, thank you!
7. One, two, three, FOUR ALIENS???? by Singingpurplerose [Reviews - 2] (978 words)
A sleepless night brings about another chapter in this gift to Red. I hope you enjoy it!
8. Space, the final frontier.... by Singingpurplerose [Reviews - 2] (1250 words)
Hey! I'm sooooooo sorry that I've been *invisible* lately. Cleaning out the house takes up tons of time. I hope you all enjoy this chapter! Oh, I looked up the distance from Earth to Saturn, but couldn't find anything that would match up to the story, so I made it up. Sorry to any fellow scientists out there, but I had to do something!
9. SPACE! by Singingpurplerose [Reviews - 1] (1144 words)
10. Space Balls! No, wait a second....wrong movie! by Singingpurplerose [Reviews - 2] (1190 words)
Nikki, I hope you haven't lost interest! Here's the next chapter for all of you guys! It's been a while, so enough hanging the gang in limbo! And I just saw that I haven't updated this since April! Wow!
11. Chase Through Space by Singingpurplerose [Reviews - 0] (1002 words)
This is the next chapter! I've been working in all of my stories, but I've been spacing them out so I wouldn't overload the archive. Here ya go, Red!