[Reviews - 9] starstarstarstarhalf-starPrinter
Summary: Okay, so it's a little early to be writing a Christmas fic, but I'm just unique like that.

It's Shawn and Juliet's first Christmas as a couple, but how can everything go smoothly when the author of this story loves whump?

Set somewhere in the later episodes of season 5.
Rated: T
Categories: Season Characters: Gus, Juliet, Other, Shawn
Genres: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenges: Whump Juliet?, To The Rescue!, A Whump for Juliet
Challenges: Whump Juliet?, To The Rescue!, A Whump for Juliet
Series: None
Chapters: 8 Completed: No
Word count: 5119 Read: 11948
Published: November 04, 2014 Updated: December 13, 2014

1. Christmas Decorations by me_ [Reviews - 1] (512 words)
Well it's almost Christmas, (only a few months to go!) so here is the first chapter of my early Christmas fic. (Or a very belated one from last year.) I don't remember the exact age of Juliet's nephews, who are introduced in season two, but I assume they are probably in they're teens/preteens by late season five. So yeah. Merry early Christmas.

2. Phones Ring by me_ [Reviews - 1] (303 words)
Nothing really to say about this chapter, except that it's pretty short, which is not unusual for me. Psych not mine.

3. Complicated Medical Stuff and Inspiring Speeches by me_ [Reviews - 1] (660 words)
This chapter took a lot longer than the previous two, partly because it is a little longer, and partly because I had to do some research on the medical stuff. Psych not mine.

4. Lassie Kissed Jules? by me_ [Reviews - 1] (628 words)
This one is from Lassie's perspective, I promise to do some more Shules, but I wanted a little Lassiet friendship. Psych not mine.

5. Guns and Chocolates by me_ [Reviews - 1] (402 words)
This is pretty short, sorry. Psych not mine.

6. Laughter Killes by me_ [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (764 words)
Nothing much to say about this chapter, so strait to the disclaimer. Psych not mine.

7. Sterling not so Silver by me_ [Reviews - 1] (556 words)
Happy leftovers day! (day after Thanksgiving) Hope you enjoy this. Psych not mine.

8. Her Knight in Shining Gus Armer by me_ [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstar (647 words)
It feel like it's been forever since I've updated this! Well, here I am, Merry early Christmas! Psych not mine.