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Author's Chapter Notes:
Just a shules one-shot

Oh PS none of psych is mine! I know it should be, but *Sniff* I can't have it!
Juliet O'hara had 3 giant stacks of paperwork on her desk, but she couldn't pay attention to any of it. 10:57 she saw glancing over to the clock.

'Any minute now' she thought 'come on...'

“Gus don't be the letter Q on the keyboard that doesn't work, of course sporks are an abominabation”

Juliet felt herself stop breathing for a second. He was there, finally.

“You mean 'Abomination'”

“I've heard it both ways”


“Actually you can suck it!”

“Tsk, Man you suck it!”

“suck it”

“suck it”

“Suck Iiittt” they sang together

“Dude, sporks should not exist in this wo- Jules!” Shawn said looking down the hall

Juliet silently thanked the fact that her cheeks didn't change color when she blushed.

“Whatcha doin'?”

“Shawn,” she said trying to keep her voice from cracking “I have a ton of paperwork to do”

“Go bother Carleton” she said sending him off before she couldn't fight the urge to kiss him right
there and then.

“But Ju-ules!” her heart skipped a beat at the sound of her nickname


“Lassie is no fun!” Juliet found it harder to breathe every second

Even though he complained he skipped over to the head detectives desk, with a goofy lopsided grin on his face. She turned back to her paperwork, determined to do it before he caught her staring.

Having finished her paperwork, the junior detective hopped into her little green bug, and went on her way home. At the sight of every motorcycle she passed she kept wishing, hoping it was Shawn.
Without thinking she walked into the nearest store and bought a pineapple. Without thinking she had walked up the steps to his apartment. Witout thinking her hand was balled up into a fist, now mere inches from the door. Now she was thinking. What was she goint to do, go and say to the man that hits on 80 year old waitresses,'hey i love you'. They were co-workers too. It would never work out. But she couldn't help herself. She knocked anyway.

“Yello” The man before her said opening the door “Jules, what are you doing here?”

“uh- I- um u-u” she stuttered

“Is that pineapple!”

“Um, happy pineapple upside-down cake day?”

“You remembered!”

“Uh- Of course!”

“Well I better be going now”

Why, oh Why couldn't he see that Juliet loved him. Why did she need to have such a tiny (Huge) crush on this man. Why did everything that should be so right be so wrong?

“Hey, Juliet?” Shawn surprised her by the use of her own name


“Ok so guess what!” he said excitedly


“I'm going to move to move to Peru! Only for a few years but you know”

Juliet could feel her heart shatter, as though it were glass, that had just been struck with a hammer.

“Really?” she squeaked


“Keep in touch” she said hugging him

“bye” she said turning on her heel before the tears started streaming down her face.

She saw Shawn wave sadly on his doorstep, as she ran down the stairs.

Shawn was about to board the plane whene he saw a farmiliar blonde detective running down the airport.

“Jules?” he called

“Shawn,” Juliet said “I- I just wanted to give you something to remember me by”

“ And what would that b-” he managed to get out before Juliet leaned in and kissed him.

“wow, that i'm sure i'll remember” he replied sincirely

“bye Shawn”

“Bye Jules” he said before boarding his plane

She didn't see him again for 8 long, painful years.

Juliet glanced at the calander. April 30th , she sighed, the anniversary of him leaving. She looked up to see a man in a ski mask and a trench coat

“May I help you?” she asked

“Yes.” the man said in an obviously fake deep voice


“I'm looking for a Juliet O'Hara.”

“Why do you need her?” she said interested

“I want to go and explain to her why duplos are ridiculous!” he said taking off the mask

“Shawn!” she said, before she even knew what she was doing she had leaned over and was kissing him

“In the flesh! Or out of the flesh, because I guess tha- Oof!” before he knew it he was pulled into a hug.

“Oh no” he heard a familiar head detective grumble

“ Hi Lassie-face!”

“Spencer why did you came back?”

“Because I missed you!” Shawn teased

Shawn was back. Back for Juliet. Back so she could tell him she loved him.
Chapter End Notes:
Hope it's not too bad
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