And, as of April 2020, also responses to the new Weekly Challenge on the PF Discord.
This week: "Take Me Home."
Rated: eT
Categories: Season, Post-season, Short Characters: Gus, Henry, Juliet, Lassiter, Shawn
Genres: Angst, Crack!, General, Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 19 Completed: Yes
Word count: 4020 Read: 40718
Published: November 18, 2015 Updated: July 08, 2024
1. A Tale of Two Kitties by insert56 [Reviews - 2] (200 words)
Ok, so this week's prompt is "A Tale of Two Kitties"
I hope you enjoy it!
2. The Black and the Blue by insert56 [Reviews - 4] (200 words)
3. Hiding Space by insert56 [Reviews - 4] (200 words)
4. Swish, Buzz, Pop by insert56 [Reviews - 5] (200 words)
5. Today's News by insert56 [Reviews - 5] (200 words)
I swear when I sat down to write this it was going in a completely different direction.
6. Under the Influence by insert56 [Reviews - 5] (200 words)
7. Inspire Me by insert56 [Reviews - 5] (200 words)
So, this turned into an episode tag for "Mr. Yin Presents...".
8. All That Glitters by insert56 [Reviews - 4] (200 words)
9. Brick Wall by insert56 [Reviews - 4] (200 words)
10. Origin Story & It's a Sign by insert56 [Reviews - 4] (200 words)
I really liked these prompts together! I've never written one with more than one prompt before so this is interesting. Hope you enjoy mine!
11. Boredom by insert56 [Reviews - 4] (200 words)
12. Handle With Care by insert56 [Reviews - 3] (200 words)
13. Surprised by insert56 [Reviews - 4] (200 words)
14. Isolation by insert56 [Reviews - 2] (200 words)
*Sings*: Guess who's back with a brand new prompt getting everybody in the archive going mad!!!
Haha, but seriously!
It's a quarantine time prompt challenge special!
We have a brand new Weekly Challenge going on in the PF Discord!
Check out the PF Twitter or PM for more details!
Prompt: Isolation
15. Lockdown by insert56 [Reviews - 5] (200 words)
16. The Sound of SIlence by insert56 [Reviews - 2] (200 words)
A tad late on this one lol.
17. "I'm up for the challenge" by insert56 [Reviews - 4] (200 words)
"Gooood morning Santa Barbara! Is this thing on?
"Coming Live from the PF Discord where we've had a quickly developing story about a resurrection in the Bi-Weekly Drabble Challenge!
"After 4 years, several users have decided to participate including PF's own insert56! I'm getting reports that this is actually her first time writing anything at all in four years! Wow!
"The author requests that thoughts, prayers, and donations be sent to the Burnt Out Fanfic Writers Fund in celebration of this momentous occasion!"
Jokes aside, it was fun to actually write something. MUCH LOVE to DinerGuy for co-hosting the new drabble challenge with me and cosette141 for stirring life back into the Psychfic Discord server after a very long hiatus. The Psych fandom really is a small place and family. Even if this drabble challenge reboot of the reboot of the reboot doesn't last long, it's been fun to jump back in again. Here's to hoping we last a little longer this time around!
18. Talk to Me by insert56 [Reviews - 2] (200 words)
Warnings: thoughts of suicide
Uh, sorry?
This is the first thing my brain thought of.
19. "Take me home." by insert56 [Reviews - 1] (420 words)
I have a fuller version of this coming out soon! I'll link it when it comes out!
Last week's winners were double and we both picked the same prompt so we voted for this week's drabbled to be 200-400 words. So mine is 400 this week.