This was it. He was going to die in here. There was no escape. Every door was sealed and locked providing no way out. He was all alone and he knew the bitter end was approaching. He burned to escape, yearned to run into clear skies and fresh air but he couldn’t leave. He was trapped. This was it. This was the end of his life and he could see no way out.
“Shawn,” An angelic voice broke him from his turmoil and he glanced up, “Will you stop moping? Just because Santa Barbara’s on lockdown until further notice does not mean we can’t still have fun.”
Shawn responded by sticking out his lower lip causing Juliet to roll her eyes. She turned and grabbed a DVD off of the shelf behind her.
“Besides, now we have time for a movie marathon.”
After putting the first movie into the player and pressing play, she dropped to the couch next to him, immediately nestling into his side. Shawn grinned and put one arm around her, drawing her closer to him, and placed a kiss on her forehead. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. After all he did have amazing company.
Story Notes:
Ironically the title was the hardest part of this thus far. Anyways it's just a bunch of 100-200 word drabbles for the writing challenge on the Psychfic discord.
I'll update the characters and warnings and such as I write. Plus there will be individual chapter warnings if needed.
I'll update the characters and warnings and such as I write. Plus there will be individual chapter warnings if needed.
Author's Chapter Notes:
It's more like a hundred to two hundred little words but that doesn't make a good fic title.
I figured this'll be an easy way to practice writing consistently. Plus it's a lot of fun so far!
The theme for this week's challenge was "Lockdown" so enjoy!
I figured this'll be an easy way to practice writing consistently. Plus it's a lot of fun so far!
The theme for this week's challenge was "Lockdown" so enjoy!
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