[Reviews - 9] starstarstarstarstarPrinter
Summary: My responses to the drabble challenges on the Psychfic discord. A collection of little drabbles about our favorite Psych characters. Will probably be a lot of Shules.
Rated: eT
Categories: Season, Post-season, Short Characters: Juliet, Lassiter, Shawn
Genres: Angst, Fluff, Humor, Missing Scene
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 9 Completed: No
Word count: 1779 Read: 16065
Published: April 19, 2020 Updated: August 08, 2020
Story Notes:
Ironically the title was the hardest part of this thus far. Anyways it's just a bunch of 100-200 word drabbles for the writing challenge on the Psychfic discord.

I'll update the characters and warnings and such as I write. Plus there will be individual chapter warnings if needed.

1. Lockdown by fanfreak611 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (203 words)
It's more like a hundred to two hundred little words but that doesn't make a good fic title.

I figured this'll be an easy way to practice writing consistently. Plus it's a lot of fun so far!

The theme for this week's challenge was "Lockdown" so enjoy!

2. Sound of Silence by fanfreak611 [Reviews - 1] (168 words)
Yeah I had so many ideas for this prompt I couldn't pick just one so this one gets three chapters.

Prompt: Sound of Silence
Takes place post 1967: A Psych Odyssey

3. Sound of Silence II by fanfreak611 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (206 words)
Another 1976: A Psych Odyssey inspired chapter. Idk if you can tell but that ep hurt me a little. Anyways this takes place at the very end of the episode when Shawn first woke up.

Prompt: Sound of Silence

4. Sound of Silence III by fanfreak611 [Reviews - 0] (196 words)
Prompt: Sound of Silence
Final one for this prompt, this one is not connected to any actual episode.

5. Who Are You? by fanfreak611 [Reviews - 1] (200 words)
Absolutely loved this prompt, almost too much. Let me just say, getting an almost 300 word drabble down to 200 words was hard to do. I don't write angst much so I got a little carried away. Well, as always, enjoy!

Prompt: Who Are You?

6. Heatwave by fanfreak611 [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (199 words)
I didn't mean for this chapter to get so intense, I just wanted to play around with descriptions and then this kind of spawned from it. I did write a nice pool party fic partially inspired by this prompt but it's way over 200 words so I'll post that separately sometime. Anyways, as always, enjoy!

7. Fatherhood by fanfreak611 [Reviews - 0] (204 words)
Contains spoilers for Lassie Come Home

I was a little sad that we never got to hear Lassie give Shawn father advice so this fic is spawned of that want. Set sometime between after Shawn finds out that Juliet isn't pregnant and before Carlton goes home. Enjoy!

8. Into the Unknown by fanfreak611 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (193 words)
Hitting 200 words is so stinking hard because I always go over. There's a longer version of this on my page under the name "Embrace the Unknown" so feel free to go check it out. This is a tag to Psych Odyssey.

9. Summertime Sadness by fanfreak611 [Reviews - 1] starstarstarstarstar (210 words)
I thought about making this angsty, but this idea won over in the end. I wanted to try writing something that had the potential to actually be in the show and I hope I accomplished that. Let me know what you think and enjoy!