Penname: PineappleHead [Contact] Real name: Commander
Member Since: June 13, 2012
Membership status: Member

I used to go by "Lieutenant," but then the person who gave me that name promoted me to "Commander." Only took me seven years. ;-)
I'm a perennial latecomer to everything, so it's a good thing I'm into time travel.

I'm a definite Lassie addict; I actually became a fan of the show when I chanced to see Timothy Omundson during the opening credits. Instead of going to bed, I stayed up late to watch the episode. One of the best hours I've ever spent!

In my non-Psych life, I am a raving Trekkie, a MacGyver fan (actually a Murdoc fan, to be honest), a 10th Doctor fan, a clarinetist, a bass guitarist, a pro wrestling mark, a strong Christian, and a reader of all books. I enjoy history, science fiction, fantasy, mysteries, and paranormal fiction (and yes, that includes Twilight). I'm also quite fond of theatre, decades past, and music of all sorts. But especially U2 and Fozzy!

I work for the Starfleet Office of Temporal Investigations. My specialty is interdimensional travel. That's about everything I can tell you---the rest is classified. ;-)

 My stories will contain a lot of Lassiter. You have been warned!

If you see anything in my stories that you don't like or anything you think I need to work on, don't be afraid to let me know. I thrive on constructive criticism as much as I thrive on encouragement.

Soli Deo Gloria.

So proud & honored to be a Psychfic Awards nominee and winner. I couldn't be happier to be a part of this site's amazing community of encouraging, supportive, and talented writers. Thanks!

Icons by Dragonnan
postimage postimagepostimage postimagePineapple Awards 2017 Blueberry Award small
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Challenges by PineappleHead
Summary: Shules stories are great. No doubt about that. But they're a dime a dozen. We need (or at least, I need) something more original! Give me a Lassiter story, a Buzz McNab story, or a Woody the Coroner story. II challenge you to write a story about one of those three less-often written characters of Psych. I would prefer a romance, but any story will do. Be creative and have fun. Other than that, there are no criteria. It can be long, short, happy, gloomy... It could even be a crossover or part of a longer story. I don't care. Just give me a story, and make it fantastic! :-)
Categories: None Characters: Buzz, Lassiter, Other
Summary: I crave Lassiter. I need Lassiter romance. You can break his heart if you must, but I desperately want some nice, mushy, heart-pounding true love. It can be Carlowe, Lassiet, an OC... I'd love to see some Lucinda, too, and I've even heard of Chief Vick as a potential love interest for Lassiter, even though that's not my favorite. You could also go with Victoria, if you had to. It can take place in any time or setting, including an alternate universe; it can be long, short, a one-shot, just one chapter of a larger whole or an entire series. I don't care what you do as long as you do it! Just give our beloved Head Detective something to prove him either wrong or right---but hopefully wrong---when he says that "all romance ends in despair or death."
Categories: None Characters: Lassiter